
Showing posts from August, 2020

How To Make A DIY Dog Toy

For this craft, you will need an old T-shirt and some scissors. Step 1: Cut the T-shirt into strips.  The width and length of the strips can vary based on the size of your dog (I like long ones personally) You should have strips like this: The number of strips can vary based on how experienced you are with bracelet making Step 2: Cut the strips so that they are no longer circular Then tie them together in a knot at the end Step 3: Then begin to knot them (like a friendship bracelet) Step 4: Finish knotting it and then tie the end Trim the ends Good job! You’ve finished it! You can also use three strips to braid or different kinds of friendship bracelet tieing, but we find the two strips to work the best.

Some Really Cool Flowers

Hey everyone, we know you are probably bored right now just like us here at LLR, so we've collected some AMAZING flowers that are sure to brighten your day. And I know for a fact that the tiger face can be found in almost all white orchids...  Hooker's Lips (PsychotriaElata) Dancing Girls (ImpatiensBequaertii) Laughing Bumble Bee Orchid (Ophrysbbomyblifora) Swaddled Babies (AnguloaUniflora) Parrot Flower (ImpatiensPsittacina) Flying Duck Orchid (Caleana Major) White orchids often have tigers on the inside! Angel Orchid (HabenariaGrandiflorifo rmis) White Egret Orchid (HabenariaRadiata) The DarthVader (AristolochiaSalvad orensis) An Orchid That Looks Like A Ballerina Bird eating a butterfly Orchid (Phalaenopsis) I hope you enjoyed these flowers as much as we did! They are amazing flowers that we hope brightened your day, and maybe when quarantine is over you will go out it natured looking for these ama...


#flyfree By LLR Photography With Quotes

#QuarantineHomeschooling - Send it in

#QuarantineHomeschooling By LLR Photography No Edits Remember you can send in your own quarantine experiences through the Send It In option on the home page! We would love to see them! Just remember to read the guidelines before sending anything in to us.  You can send artwork, poems or songs, photography, stories or anything else, keeping in mind that we will not put it up if it has your face in it. We can also decline anything if it is not right for our blog, but for the most part we will put it up in about a day or  two within you sending it. Keep living life random, Stay sane! Naomi

How To Make A Crayon Melt Picture

Most crafts you find on the internet require going to a store and spending a ton of money on crazy expensive materials or someone trying to convince you what you are using isn’t the most amazing product and trick you into buying something way expensive. Here at LLR, we know you may not be able to do that, and nowadays finding a fun, interactive, easy and cheap at-home DIY is super hard. That’s why we make our crafts super easy, super cheap using the supplies you have around the house. For this craft you will need:  - A canvas - Around 20 crayons (in any age or form, no worries if they aren’t new 😊) - A hot glue gun - Hair Dryer - Meltable hot glue gun glue sticks - A black printed silhouette image (optional) - Sharpie (preferably thin point, optional)  1. Take a canvas outside on a warm-ish day. Find a plug to hook the hot glue gun up. Make sure that it is okay to get melted crayon where you are. If you want, you can unwrap the crayons.  2. Place a line of h...

How to fold a paper Sonobe Unit

This craft is a sonobe unit. Sonobe units can be used to make all sorts of cool origami! For this craft, you will need a piece of square paper and a flat/hard surface. Step 1: Fold the paper in half Fold the halves of the paper in half, so the paper is divided into fourths. Step 2: Fold the upper right-hand corner down as shown, then do the same to the lower left-hand corner. Step 3: Fold the fourths down toward the middle Step 4: Then, fold the lower right-hand corner up toward the upper right hand, as shown Next, tuck the area you just folded underneath the upper right-hand corner Do the same to the other side… Step 5: Fold the sonobe unit in half, keeping the folds on the outside Then, fold the points in, along the fold you just made Good job! You’ve finished it! See our other tutorials for how to make the shapes at the top!

Some More Cool Blogs

Hello, it’s Amelia, and as much as I want you on our blog, I’m here to share another cool blog by  Lily H.  a cousin of Naomi’s. Just Keep Reading by Lily H. In this blog she talks about favorite books, recommendations and what to read next. She also offers other super fun posts like butterfly wings, recipes and more. I totally give this blog a 10/10 because it’s super fun to look at!

Protect Our Pitbulls

Did you know that the biggest pitbull in the world weighs 174 pounds and is called Hulk? It was raised to be a protection dog, but it very quickly became a gentle playmate to the family’s young child. He is the loving, caring father to eight tiny puppies (boredpanda). The world is stuck in a constant struggle arguing over these loving dogs, over whether or not they should be allowed to live. Pit bulls should be allowed to live everywhere any other dogs can live. Many people believe these gentle giants that go by the name of a pitbull are violent and dangerous creatures and should be banned, but this essay is going to tell you why that is wrong.     The sweet breed of the pit bull has been subject to many bans in the U.S. alone. Multiple cities and counties declare pit bulls vicious and dangerous. Alabama; Center Point, Fayette, Gardendale, Irondale, Lanett, Midfield, and many other areas banned pit bulls. In Arkansas, an estimated twenty-three places banned pit bulls. In Cali...


Metamorphosis By: Abby H. Acrylics

How To Press Flowers

 Hi! I’m here with an amazing craft to keep you busy!   Pressed flowers are a great thing to frame, add to cards, and a great way to preserve summer! It’s super easy, and super cool when it’s all done. Let’s get started! Gather flowers, leaves, or other things 💐  (the brighter the colors the better, and some things will not work, but most will) Put parchment paper at the end of a thick, heavy book, folding it in half so the plants will be between the two sides of parchment paper 📖  (and so the plants won’t get stuck to the book) Arrange the plants on the parchment paper how you will want them to look when dried 🌼 (the more off the petals showing the better) Close the book slowly and leave for 1-5 weeks ⏰ (I find about 2 weeks to work) When the time comes to reveal, you can take them out, dispose of the plants that didn’t work, and tape or glue to cards, on a paper to frame, or give as gifts! 🖼  (I used Washi Tape to tape mine to a paper and frame! Here is mi...

Confession Time: You Actually Like Quarantine

In March, the entire world shut down. It seemed to happen overnight. At first the coronavirus was just a far away thing and we didn’t think it would actually affect our lives. Now we are months into quarantine. Many of us haven’t seen our friends or family for two or three months. Everyone is constantly complaining about being stuck at home and unable to see other people. But what if you’re not one of those people? ... Hi everyone! Amelia here.  It’s confession time: What if you don’t mind quarantine? Deep down inside, some of us know that we aren’t really the social butterflies that we try to be. I mean sure, we love hanging out with our friends, and we love to get stuff done. But no matter how much we enjoy hanging out with friends, socializing zaps energy and we need to retreat and spend some time alone.  It’s sort of nice to be able to sit at home or bike around town without having a tight schedule to worry about. It’s nice to be able to slouch in sweats without worrying a...