First Jump!!
A couple weeks ago, I had my regular Wednesday afternoon lesson and I have officially moved from ground work lessons to jumping lessons!!
Last week Vegas and I were supposed to trot over a pile, but he decided to jump it, despite it being not even a foot tall 🤣, and I was able to two point it easily (with the cheat of grabbing the mane). So if you’re getting technical, we jumped then.
But I’m not, so I’ll tell you my real first jump, hahaha!
So basically, we did our normal warm-up and cantering stuff, and then my trainer said “OK, are you ready to jump?“. I was extremely surprised, because I thought I was still a couple months off from jumping, but of course I said yes! She set up a couple small piles, and we cantered a figure 8 over them. Vegas was so excited. He hadn’t been doing a lot of jumping in a while, and he’s a born jumper, so he was so happy to be jumping again. Even if it was less than a foot. When I say excited, I’m talking flying lead changes, keeping a good speed (despite being the slowest horse since the earth was invented), and flying around the jumps easily.
Since then, we have mainly been working on a straight approach to the jumps. We have graduated to small cross rails. When I say small, I mean about 6 to 8 inches tall. He can walk over them easily. You can check out a few of the other articles coming soon to learn about my now jumping related falls. And you can also hear about some of our other minor mishaps.
Thanks for reading, and hope to post more soon,
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