Yummy Quesadilla Recipe

 Hi everybody, Amelia here, and I am going to share with you my favorite quesadilla recipe. It’s really simple, but I figured I would add a new recipe to the blog. 

  1. Heat the stovetop to medium-high, adjusting based on your stove’s capabilities
  2. Put a small amount of butter (about 1/2 a tablespoon) in the heating pan and spread it around
  3. While the pan is heating up, put together your quesadilla
  4. On top of your tortilla, spread a generous amount of cheese. Then, if you would like, you can spread meat around on top of that (you can chop up lunch meat, or use some sort of shredded meat). Next, this is also optional, you can spread re-fried beans on the other tortilla
  5. After you’ve assembled the quesadilla fully, you can put it in the pan
  6. With a large spatula, flip the quesadilla when it is starting to get a light brown on the tortilla
  7. Depending on your preferences, cook it until it is anywhere from a whitish brown to a dark brown.
  8. Flip it onto a plate, and you’ve got a delicious, cheesy, amazing quesadilla!


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