Dot Has A Blog


Well, it seems that Dot has discovered the internet. She is very proud of herself. She wants to have a guest post here on LLR, so I decided I’d let her tell you all about the blog :)


Helo deer frends. My naem is Dot, but editor says she alredy telled you that. I used to bee a sooper grate therapy horse, but then I became a even sooperer jomper. My editor is Amelia and she is my human. I has a boyfrend namd Beau, he is verry purfect. 

I am a beutiful horse, and it will be an honor for all of you reeders to go and see my blog. Yoo will heer lots of amazing cool stuf abowt me and get exklusiv info.

I is verry exsited to tell you ‘bout my WHOLE life with my editor. I will tell yoo allll the skary things, and the fun things, and the skary things!

Anyway, I has to go do verry important things rite now. Like eat. And make angry faces. And eat.

Goodbie :)


Like she said, she has lots of VERY important things to do. So when she’s done, she’ll update her blog, Trotty Dotty here:

Bye :)


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