
Showing posts from 2020

Another Post Full Of Horse Memes — Because I Didn’t Get Them All The First Time

 Hi again! 

A Post Full of My Favorite Horse Memes - Because Why Not?

 Hey guys and galls! Amelia here, As you all probably know, I’m a horse back rider. Horses tie with dogs for my favorite animals, and if I could I would ride all day everyday :)  So here we go!

The Science of Macarons - An informative writing

  The Science of Macarons Although the flavors and textures of the French* Macaron may be difficult to even the best bakers, they are made from a very simple mixture of confectioners sugar, almond flour, beaten egg whites and granulated sugar. So how come macarons are so finicky? They have perfectly simple ingredients! We’re about to find out! Let’s do a quick macaron anatomy lesson:  “Macarons, a sweet almond-based confection notable for its smooth tops, ridged edges and unique texture, have become all the rage in popular culture, however the science behind them is a rather sensitive, finicky process that goes unbeknownst to many,” ( Yale ).  “Despite the simple ingredients, the technicality behind the making of the macaron explains why the price tag is so high,”  Plainly stated, the science behind macarons relies heavily on the balance of the ingredients and the protein structure of the egg whites. Unlike traditional cookies, the base ingredient of a...

My Mind - My World — Chapter One

  “Oh my GOSH Juli! Why do you have to be so SECRETIVE? One minute your all happy while we are talking, the next you look like your gonna explode? And don’t try the whole ‘I’m homeschooled’ thing on me! What could be so big you can’t tell us? Your best friends?” My best friend, Ellie McGuire yells angrily at me.  “Ellie-” I start, my light caramel skin flushing darker as I try to control myself. We stand in Ellie’s yard, my other friends Tina Froe and Niki Coron stand behind Ellie. Tina and Niki glare at me as Ellie interrupts me. “Don’t ELLIE me!” Ellie growls. “Yah. You need to tell us or leave us! Friends don’t keep secrets!” Tina says, her quiet, normally kind voice seething with anger. “Mmm-hmmm. Why can’t you tell us? It’s not like your some ALIEN!” Niki scoffs. Now it’s my turn to interrupt. “Did you ever think that maybe I can’t tell you because I’m not allowed to?”  “Best friends break rules for each other, Jul.” Tina says, a frown on her normally joyful face. I’...

Yummy Quesadilla Recipe

 Hi everybody, Amelia here, and I am going to share with you my favorite quesadilla recipe. It’s really simple, but I figured I would add a new recipe to the blog.  Heat the stovetop to medium-high, adjusting based on your stove’s capabilities Put a small amount of butter (about 1/2 a tablespoon) in the heating pan and spread it around While the pan is heating up, put together your quesadilla On top of your tortilla, spread a generous amount of cheese. Then, if you would like, you can spread meat around on top of that (you can chop up lunch meat, or use some sort of shredded meat). Next, this is also optional, you can spread re-fried beans on the other tortilla After you’ve assembled the quesadilla fully, you can put it in the pan With a large spatula, flip the quesadilla when it is starting to get a light brown on the tortilla Depending on your preferences, cook it until it is anywhere from a whitish brown to a dark brown. Flip it onto a plate, and you’ve got a delicious, che...

My Mind - My World Introduction

 Hey guys, Amelia here. Sorry if I’m sort of mooching off of Naomi’s idea, but I’ve decided to share a chapter a week from a short novel that I am writing called “My Mind - My World”. It’s about a girl named Juli with ‘powers’. I’m going to try to post it every Wednesday-Thursday. Hope you enjoy! Introduction My chances are slim, but I can’t let that stop me. It’s escape or death. And I’m not ready to die. I stand alone in my cell. The door is open. I can go out. Guards pace the halls with tazers, but that’s no problem for me. A thought is all it would take to get rid of them. I sit down on my bed. Then I get up and sit down again. I just have to act normal. I have to act as if I am going out to the yard. I know that the court will want to kill me. One of my visions told me that. But I don’t blame the court. I’m different, too powerful. It’s human instinct to dispose of the unknown. I should stay here. I shouldn’t escape. I am already accused of breaking the law, why should I do it...

Writing Prompt #1

 Hello, Everyone! I had a crazy idea for a new series we could do here on LLR! I will post a new segment of a story I am writing in Language Arts sometimes and you all can finish it! Sort of like a writing prompt. Maybe once you finish the story you can send it in to us using the send it in feature on the home screen! Let’s go! Most people think my family is weird. And rightfully so - my older brother can go back in time 3 minutes every time he sneezes. My little sister can control the weather. My father can make rows and rows and rows of canned memories and my mother is practically perfect in every way - you know, like Mary Poppins. But I’m perfectly ordinary. Lame, right? My whole family gets super cool ‘powers’ and I’m the only one without them. Well I might have thought that a little while ago, but ever since I went on an epic trip last month, I’ve never been the same. And that’s where this story starts. Stay healthy, stay safe and keep living life random! Until next time, Naom...

Delicious Gooey Chocolate-Peanut Cookie Bars

 Hi everyone! Here is an amazing recipe that I got from  Taste of Hom e and modified based on what I had at home and my personal preferences. This recipe makes a really delicious cookie-bar chocolate-peanut mix that the family and I really love.                  Without further ado, let’s get started! First, you’re going to make our chocolate chip cookie recipe  The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies  (you don’t need to double it, it makes about 12 bars) Then, press it into a 9x13 pan Scatter peanut butter chips (Peanuts work too) and chocolate chips over the surface of the cookie, using however much you want  Bake at 350 for 14-16 minutes Take it out and scatter mini marshmallows and (This is optional) chopped up walnuts then put it back in the oven for 6-8 minutes Take out, cool, and enjoy!

Bored? Be bored no more with the Bored Button!

Hi, Amelia here. Right about now, most of us are finishing school for the summer, and are realizing just how bored they really are. I’m no exception. So I Googled ‘I’m so bored’ because what else are you going to do if you’re bored (joking of course). The result was amazing! I found a website called Bored Button, and it is super fun. Here is the link: So, you go to the website and this is the page you see.  Then, you basically just click the red Bored Button and it shows you all sorts of fun games, trivia, and other things to do. One of the games is literally just ‘see how long you can press the button’! It’s really a fun website, with a ton of amazing boredom busters. Keep living life random, and don’t get to bored, Amelia😁

Books About Racism

Hi all, Amelia here! With what has been going on in the world right now, I decided I would post some books that I have read and liked about anti racism. Right now, I am reading To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. This book takes place in the past (1933-35), in a fictional town. The story is told by a young girl whose father is Atticus Finch, a lawyer defending a black man. This story is amazing, but for teens and adults only. It has some bad words and not completely appropriate content. (Realistic/Historical Fiction) I read The Hate U Give  by Angie Thomas. It is told by a black girl who has trouble with racism, police brutality, and activism after watching her black friend get shot by a police. This book has a lot of bad words and inappropriate content. (Realistic/Historical Fiction) I also read The Sun Does Shine by Anthony Ray Hinton. Anthony Ray Hinton is a black man who spent thirty years on death row for a crime he didn’t commit. I this book was amazing, told with hu...

A Good Grilled Cheese Sandwich πŸ₯ͺ

 Hi everyone! Amelia here, with how to make my favorite grilled cheese. I mean, the process to making a grilled cheese sandwich is pretty simple, but this is just how I make mine. Butter the outside of the bread. You can also butter the inside, but it is not necessary. 🧈  Put your sandwich together. Cheese and, if you want, some lunch meat. πŸ§€ πŸ₯© 🍞  Get a pan and heat the stovetop to medium/low heat. Be careful, because the butter burns pretty easily on the bread. 🍳 (But even if it burns it still tastes amazing, it just doesn’t look as good πŸ˜‰) Based on your preferences, flip the sandwich when it is a light golden brown. πŸ§‘‍🍳 Cut in half and serve it up! 🍽 I hope you enjoy having delicious grilled cheese! Keep living life random, Amelia

How To Make A DIY Dog Toy

For this craft, you will need an old T-shirt and some scissors. Step 1: Cut the T-shirt into strips.  The width and length of the strips can vary based on the size of your dog (I like long ones personally) You should have strips like this: The number of strips can vary based on how experienced you are with bracelet making Step 2: Cut the strips so that they are no longer circular Then tie them together in a knot at the end Step 3: Then begin to knot them (like a friendship bracelet) Step 4: Finish knotting it and then tie the end Trim the ends Good job! You’ve finished it! You can also use three strips to braid or different kinds of friendship bracelet tieing, but we find the two strips to work the best.

Some Really Cool Flowers

Hey everyone, we know you are probably bored right now just like us here at LLR, so we've collected some AMAZING flowers that are sure to brighten your day. And I know for a fact that the tiger face can be found in almost all white orchids...  Hooker's Lips (PsychotriaElata) Dancing Girls (ImpatiensBequaertii) Laughing Bumble Bee Orchid (Ophrysbbomyblifora) Swaddled Babies (AnguloaUniflora) Parrot Flower (ImpatiensPsittacina) Flying Duck Orchid (Caleana Major) White orchids often have tigers on the inside! Angel Orchid (HabenariaGrandiflorifo rmis) White Egret Orchid (HabenariaRadiata) The DarthVader (AristolochiaSalvad orensis) An Orchid That Looks Like A Ballerina Bird eating a butterfly Orchid (Phalaenopsis) I hope you enjoyed these flowers as much as we did! They are amazing flowers that we hope brightened your day, and maybe when quarantine is over you will go out it natured looking for these ama...