Poetry By Amy L I Love I love little tiny dogs Green slimy frogs And trees I love brown fluffy cats Walking through long grass And peas I love dirty pickup trucks Loud baby ducks And I love you Loyal Far above In the gates of heaven Sits a beautiful angel dog He will not play with the angels who Come and go calling yoo-hoo They call him saying Puppy, puppy come and play But No Says the dog, sitting still For my master will come And when he arrives He will call for me And I will be there So the loyal young pup Waits and then his master comes and calls for him And he’s there, ready to play With His one And only Master Extinct I have no relatives, No family, no home I am alone My sister is a rug, my brother a meal Here I am on the edge of my time When I’m gone I’ll be taken away To be on display in a distant museum in some distant place No more with there be Javan tigers This world was my place to play but now it’s my place to decay