1 Year of Blogging!

 Hello, everyone!

A little while ago I was scrolling through the blog and I found our very first blog post - it is titled ‘Jack’ with a photo of Amelia’s dog. We posted that blog entry along with an entry called ‘Pet Homelessness’ on none other than March 22, 2020. This is the day we published it, but we started working on the blog a month or two before. This means that Amelia and I have been officially blogging for one year! 

On the day that we decided we wanted to make a blog, Amelia had borrowed a book on how to start a successful blog from the library. She showed it to me and told me here idea to start a blog. We filled out sheets and sheets of paper organizing all of our blog ideas, names, post ideas, categories and taking notes of some things we had gathered from the book. We eventually decided on the name Live Life Random, LLR for short.

Later that summer when we went on a camping trip with some of our friends from church. We learned about Molly Brown (you should research her, she survived the sinking of the Titanic) and when we visited a fish hatchery we learned some cool things about fish. We started brainstorming some ideas of posts we wanted our blog to feature and what we wanted our blog to look like. (This is what we do when we are together, we brainstorm ๐Ÿ˜‚)

When we got home from the camping trip we were super excited to get started. After talking to our parents about it, we were ready to start a blog! We had already decided we wanted to use blogger (since it is what my mom uses for our family blog) so all we had to do was set it up! 

And here we are! One year and one hundred and fifteen posts later.

I hope you enjoyed our little story time today! We are so grateful for those of you reading and that we are actually blogging for someone!




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