Ballet Memes!

 Hey, Everyone! 

A little while ago I did a Hamilton memes post and now I want to do a ballet memes post since Amelia got to do a horseback riding post ๐Ÿ˜… 


*got a meme ‘theme’? Either send it in to the email address below OR comment on this post!**

1. When the teacher uses you as a good example

2. Movie night!

3. When I do multiple pirouettes while the teacher is watching ๐Ÿ˜†

4. How I feel when the teacher says...

5. On Wednesday’s we wear pink

6. Hang your dancers out to dry

7. My bobby-pins free real estate 

8. You play football? That’s cute

9. Wearing ‘the new costume’ at dress rehearsal 

10. Defending your spot at the barre be like


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