Amelia’s 3 Day Challenge - Day 8

   Hi everyone! Welcome to the eighth day of my 30 Day Challenge!!! I was inspired first by Annika at, and then by Naomi, right here at LLR! Here is the photo of the 30 Day Challenge I will be participating in, so you can be up to date! 

Okay, let’s get started! Today the prompt is: If I won the lottery/got 1,000,000

1. I would put enough into my savings to pay for a few years of college 

2. I would buy a horse (or two)

3. I would pay for a few years of lessons and training in advance 

4. I would buy all tack and medical stuff needed (western saddle, English saddle; western one handed, western two handed, English bridle; grooming supplies; farrier/vet/medical anything needed for a few years in advance; etc)

5. I would buy clothes! (Riding clothes, normal clothes)

6. And shoes (riding shoes, normal shoes)

7. I would put half of what was left in savings and the other half in spending money ๐Ÿ’ฐ 

8. I would donate some depending on how much I had left, to horse rescues, riding facilities, animal rescues, humane societies, etc.

Thank you for reading! Feel free to post your blog or some of your favorite blogs to read! 

Keep living life random,

Amelia ๐Ÿ˜˜


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