Amelia’s 30 Day Challenge - Day 14

      Hi everyone! Welcome to the 14th day of my 30 Day Challenge!!! I was inspired first by Annika, and as always, check out her blog at, and then by Naomi, right here at LLR! Here is the photo of the 30 Day Challenge I will be participating in, so you can be up to date! (I’m writing the 30 Day Challenge on the weekend of 19-22nd of March, BTW. So when I refer to things, they will be based on that time)

Okay, let’s get started! Today the prompt is: A problem I have

Hmm... I have a ton of issues.. how can I pick only one??? ๐Ÿ˜‚

I think I’ll focus on my FoMO. I have major Fear of Missing Out. My friends all have a lot more privileges then me, and I often get FoMO because of it. 

Thank you for reading! Feel free to post your blog or some of your favorite blogs to read! 

Keep living life random,

Amelia ๐Ÿ˜˜


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