Amelia’s 30 Day Challenge - Day 26

            Hi everyone! Welcome to the 26th day of my 30 Day Challenge!!! I was inspired first by Annika, and as always, check out her blog at, and then by Naomi, right here at LLR! Here is the photo of the 30 Day Challenge I will be participating in, so you can be up to date! (I’m writing the 30 Day Challenge on the weekend of 19-22nd of March, BTW. So when I refer to things, they will be based on that time)

Okay, let’s get started! Today the prompt is: First fall off a horse

Well, this is a pretty embarrassing story ๐Ÿ˜‚. I had a lot of very close calls before this, but I always go all death grip when the horse spooks, and I’ve never rode a thrower. 

So the first time I ever fell off, it was bareback before I started English. The horse was actually at a complete stand still.... now do you get why it’s embarrassing? Well anyway, I was getting on and I was laying on the horse’s back, and when I went to swing my legs over, I slid head first off the horse and into the dirt. I thought I had broke my nose because it was numb and hurt. I got sand EVERYWHERE. Up my nose, in my mouth, everywhere. Hahaha. 

Before that, I had a lot of false alarms. Once during a trail ride the horse spooked sideways from a deer, and my foot and leg went partially through the stirrup and I was sideways in the saddle. Luckily, my hands grabbed the mane, because that would have been bad to fall on the rocks there. 

Another time, I was distracted and the horse leaped backward because a truck scared her. I flew over the horn and landed on the neck of the horse. Thankfully she stood, because then I would have slid right over her head!! That one really hurt haha. 

Thank you for reading! Feel free to post your blog or some of your favorite blogs to read! 

Keep living life random,

Amelia ๐Ÿ˜˜


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