Amelia’s 30 Day Challenge - Day 19

        Hi everyone! Welcome to the 19th day of my 30 Day Challenge!!! I was inspired first by Annika, and as always, check out her blog at, and then by Naomi, right here at LLR! Here is the photo of the 30 Day Challenge I will be participating in, so you can be up to date! (I’m writing the 30 Day Challenge on the weekend of 19-22nd of March, BTW. So when I refer to things, they will be based on that time)

Okay, let’s get started! Today the prompt is: What celebrity would I spend 15 minutes with and why

Hmm.. I’d say either Tom Holland (when he was younger), Ruth Bader Ginsburg (when she first became part of the Supreme Court), Malala, or Michelle Obama. This is because, like every other girl these days, my celebrity crush is Tom Holland ๐Ÿ˜‚. I also always wanted to meet RBG, because she is an amazing woman and feminist. Same with Malala and Michelle Obama.

Thank you for reading! Feel free to post your blog or some of your favorite blogs to read! 

Keep living life random,

Amelia ๐Ÿ˜˜


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