Nutella and Strawberry French Toast Roll Ups

 Hi, everyone! 

I am back with a new recipe for you all and it is DELICIOUS! These Nutella and strawberry French toast roll ups are technically a breakfast food, but they are so sweet that you could eat them for dessert! Let’s get started!

Image credit: Under 500 Calories Recipes

*this recipe makes 6 rolls*


- 6 slices of sandwich bread

-  6 strawberries

- Nutella

-  1 egg

- 2 tbsp milk

- a pinch of salt 

- Powdered sugar 

- butter

Some other things you may need - a rolling pin, a butter knife, a fork or whisk, and a pan 

First, set a pan over medium heat and melt a pat of butter on it.

 Now you are going to whisk  together the eggs, milk and salt to make an egg mixture. You can use your fork or a whisk to do this step. Make sure it is fully combined!

Set the egg mixture to the side for now so you can get started on the rolls. You can choose to pre de-crust the bread or you can keep the crusts on. Lay out the bread on a solid, nonstick surface and use the rolling pin to flatten the bread. Make sure it is nice and thin. Once you have flattened each piece of bread, use the butter knife to spread a thick coat of Nutella on each piece of bread. 

Take one strawberry and cut it into smaller pieces- depending on the size of your bread you may be able to use 1 strawberry for 2 slices of bread - just play it by ear! Find one of the shorter sides of the bread and line it with strawberry pieces. This is a place in the recipe where you can add other fruit as well as or instead of strawberries - mix it up! 

Now you can roll up each piece of bread and dip it in the egg mixture! Once all of the rolls are coated in the egg mixture you can place them on the pan. Cook them for about 4 minutes or until they are golden brown. Make sure to keep rotating them so that each side can be cooked.

Now, take them off the heat and place them on a plate. Sprinkle some powdered sugar on them and top them with extra strawberries! You can dip them in syrup, too but they are just as delicious plain!

Viola and enjoy!

Keep living life random!




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